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Welcome! The LHE PTA Board is here to support our students, teachers, and school for a successful year.



Register here


Color Run Color Run

Sign Up for the Color Run Here!



 We are collecting for the 4th Grades fund of Sky Ranch click here to donate




  January PTA at work

 PTA at work January


















Stay informed at LHE: Subscribe to our calendar and Principal Gruninger’s weekly newsletter, "The Paw Print," for updates.


LHE Office: (469) 593-2100

LHE Nurse: (469) 593-2048 

LHE Cafeteria: (469) 593-2078 


RISD now uses SchoolCafé for student lunch funds. Set up an account and add money click here. 






RISD Volunteer Application

Support LHE in many ways! Be a Room Parent, Reading or Math Angel, volunteer at the Book Fair, and join Dads Club for roles like Door Greeter and more!

Volunteer Application

Upcoming Events



Join the PTA!

The more members we have, the bigger our voice! In the wise words of the Texas PTA: Back the future - be informed. Be active. Be your kid’s biggest fan. Be PTA.