REFLECTIONS is a National PTA Art Contest that your child can enter! 

Three easy steps to enter:
1. Pick a Category: 
Visual Arts, Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography
2. Using the theme, have your student create their piece. They will need to say how their piece ties in with the theme, because the theme is broad, this should be easy--but let us know if you need help!
3. Email Megan Bean to inform her your child is entering and fill out this short Entry Form!

REFLEXIONES es una competencia de arte por parte de la PTA Nacional en la cual tu hijo/a puede participar! 


Tres pasos simples para entrar a la competencia:
1. Escoge una categoria: 
Artes visuales, Coreografía de Danza, Producción de Cine, Literatura, Composición Musical, Fotografía 
2. Usando el tema, dile a tu hijo/a que crea su pieza de arte.  Ellos tendrán que decir como su pieza se relaciona con el tema, el tema es muy general, entonces esto debe ser fácil -- pero avísanos si necesitas ayuda!
3. Contacta a Megan Bean  y ella te enviara el documento para entrar a la competencia! formulario de entrada






Help Our 4th Graders

Please consider donating to support our 4th Graders at Sky Ranch Science Camp in their 5th grade year.

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RISD Volunteer Application

Support LHE in many ways! Be a Room Parent, Reading or Math Angel, volunteer at the Book Fair, and join Dads Club for roles like Door Greeter and more!

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The more members we have, the bigger our voice! In the wise words of the Texas PTA: Back the future - be informed. Be active. Be your kid’s biggest fan. Be PTA.